
A loan in terms of MSLBSL is the act of giving money to another party i.e its Members in exchange for future repayment of the principal amount along with interest and Processing Fee. The Loan offered by Mahuli Samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd to their clients is:

Disaster Support Loan

If member's victim from Natural Disaster i.e. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes at that time for the temporary settlement this loan is disbursed up to 20,000 with the durations of 15 months to 2 year.

Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 10% Reducing Basis, and the duration for this loan should be 2 Year only.

Sanitation & Toilet Loan

The MLBSL expects to contribute on clean and green environment through Energy Loan members if members want built Toilet then Loan can be disbursed up to Rs. 1,00,000 without Collateral.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis, and the duration for this loan should be 1 Year only.

Alternative Energy Loan

The MLBSL expects to contribute on clean and green environment through Energy Loan members if members want to buy Solar, Cook Stoves, and Bio gas, etc. then Loan can be disbursed up to Rs. 3,00,000 without Collateral.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 14.50% Reducing Basis, and the duration for this loan should be 3 Year only.

Foreign Employment Loan

To eliminate the poverty and to grab the opportunity those Individual with certified foreign employment visa can enjoy such loan for the further processing of employment opportunity to foreign country. This facility is available for member's husband, son, and Daughter. Loan can be disbursed up to Rs. 2,00,000 without Collateral or with collateral up to 7,00,000.00.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis without collateral and Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 14.50% Reducing Basis with collateral, Members can take a benefit of loan up to 2,00,000 without collateral and 3,00,000 up to 7,00,000 with collateral. and the duration for this loan should be 1-6 Year only.

Education Loan

Educations loans are loan issued for the purposes of attending higher education like an Academic University and pursuing an academic Degree for Members Son and Daughters.

Members with Complete of 2 Years, 2 times utilize of General Loan with regular EMI payment of loans and discipline members can take benefit of this loan.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis without collateral and Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 14.50% Reducing Basis with collateral, Members can take a benefit of loan up to 7,00,000 without collateral and 3,00,000 up to 7,00,000 with collateral. and the duration for this loan should be 1-6 Year only.

Housing Loan

Generally a housing loan means a sum of money borrowed from a financial institution or bank to purchase a house or to build a house. To take benefits of these loan members must need to submit Documents which is required according to organizations.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis without collateral and Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 14.50% Reducing Basis with collateral, Members can take a benefit of loan up to 3,00,000 without collateral and 3,00,000 up to 7,00,000 with collateral. and the duration for this loan should be 1-6 Year only.

Micro Enterprise Loan

Members for expansion of existing business or to establish new business or expand existing one micro Enterprise Loan is required. This allows poor individuals or families to start their own business. It is being cleared that with only general loan members cannot expand their business so for them only this micro Enterprise loan is generated and in this purpose the maximum Loan can be disbursed up to Rs.7,00,000 without collateral and 3,00,000 up to 7,00,000 with collateral.

Every FY a best Entrepreneur members were selected by MLBSL and provided them GREEN CARD with it they can get discount at any loan and they don’t need to pay any processing fee.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis without collateral and Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 14.50% Reducing Basis with collateral, Members can take a benefit of loan up to 7,00,000 without collateral and 3,00,000 up to 7,00,000 with collateral. and the duration for this loan should be 1-7 Year only.

Best Member Loan

A Best member Loan is issued to the Best member of center or Branches. Loan to the clients who have been maintaining good track record and completed 4 Years, they must be our member only, and must be utilized their last loan in the same purpose which they said, for it every FY best members were selected by MLBSL and provided them a GREEN CARDwith it they can get discount while need any loan and they don’t need to pay any processing fee.

Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 14.50% Reducing Basis, Members can take a benefits of loan up to 7,00,000 and the duration for this loan should be 1 to 5 Year only.

Emergency Loan

This loan is an emergency. Loan to the clients who have been maintaining good track record and completed 6 months of general loan are usually eligible in terai as well as hilly Branches. Emergency Loan can be disbursed up to Rs. 50,000. This loan can be demanded at Center only and Center Manager and Group Members of centers analysis the genuineness of the case and approved according.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis without collateral and Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis with collateral,

Seasonal Loan

This loan is provided to its members by evaluating their members and center quality. To take benefit of this loan member should be taken general loan first. Discipline with regularity loan Emi payment must be required. This loan can be disbursed up to NRs. 10,000 only.

Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis, 1.30% Loan Processing Fee required at the time of receiving Loan Amount. The duration for this loan should be 1 Year only.

General Loan

The First and basic loan from Mahuli Laghubitta Bttiya Sanstha Ltd to their members is General loan. This loan is provided to its members for income generating activities only. The maximum amount can be Disbursed by members without collateral is up to NRs. 700,000 only.

Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 15% Reducing Basis without collateral and Loan Service Charge 1.30%, Annually Interest Rate for this loan should be 14.50% Reducing Basis with collateral, Members can take a benefit of loan up to 7,00,000 without collateral and 3,00,000 up to 7,00,000 with collateral. and the duration for this loan should be 1-6 Year only.

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